Words are the Magic Spell


The word is the most powerful tool that humans possess.  It’s a tool of magic…”   Don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements

Language communicates our thoughts, our experiences and our ideas and yet it is only one of the seven internal filters through which we process information.  (See diagram page 12) What’s interesting is that according to studies, the actual words only comprise 7% of our communication; the rest is non-verbal, sight, feelings etc. Even though the actual words are such a small percent, they have the power to keep you spellbound!

This is huge because words and thoughts are like two sides of a coin.  You may have heard the expression “As a man thinketh, so he is…”  Therefore, what you think is what you get!  So why aren’t you getting it, what it is you think, you want?  The answer: programming.  Years and years of constant individual and societal programming has mostly been negative. In computer terminology it’s called GIGO, (garbage in garbage out).  This is a perfect comparison!

It is now time for you to break the spell and finally GET IT! 

Our words and thoughts condition our mind, just as bench-pressing can condition our muscles. You can reprogram the software of your mind and it’s one of the easiest and the most life altering changes you can make AND IT’S FREE!  When you choose your words and thoughts with positive intention and suspend judgment of yourself and others you will see how magical your life becomes.  In harnessing the wind it’s possible to sail around the world.  When you harness the power of your words, the language of the mind, you will change the direction of your life and sail where you want to go. 

It is impossible to overstate the importance of words and how you use them.  That said consider taking a fresh look at affirmations.  An affirmation must first and foremost be believable for you to feel good about it.  If you have any underlying doubts or contradictions, which are negative feelings, your affirmation can potentially backfire.  So here’s an eye opener. It is possible that a positive affirmation carries with it a negative vibration which will create an internal conflict.   For example, let’s say someone who weighs 200lbs would like to become a size 6.  By saying over and over, “I’m a size 6, I’m a size 6, in every way and every day, I’m a size 6. The voices of doubt will likely answer back, “Who are you kidding!”  The doubts will dilute if not cancel out the affirmation.  And as the lack of oxygen will extinguish a flame, doubts will extinguish or dilute an affirmation!  This is going on unconsciously and you are unawareness of it as it is happening.  With your new found awareness, not any more!

With every single thought, every single word, you are sending a message to your internal “guide”, your Geni that will either support or sabotage your health, relationships, finances etc, the life you want to create.  The body/mind connection is very powerful. When you say: “I’m sick and I’m tired” guess what; you will be sick and tired.  When you say, “I’m broke,” guess what you will be broke!  Two of the most powerful words in the English language are I AM.  Be careful what you attach to these innocent little words, the message “I AM” goes directly to the core of your being and remember this is, your internal guidance system your Geni, designed to fulfill your every wish. Avoid saying “I’m sorry” eliminate this phrase from your vocabulary, do you really want to tell yourself that you are a sorry individual? Instead say “I apologize”.  I’m stupid; I’m dumb, I’m clumsy, I’m depressed…  Ouch! STOP that right now   

Everything is created twice, first as a thought and then as reality.  Your Geni, is constantly eavesdropping and is takes everything you say literally.  Are you in the habit of using expressions, such as “I’m irritated” you may suffer from allergies?  “I’m pissed,” have urinary tract problems?  Develop new expressions!  This process starts with your Awareness and requires constant vigilance. 

The very instant a negative thought enters your head, or a negative word passes your lips, develop the habit of automatically saying, “STOP” “delete” or what ever you need to say and say it out loud. This is more effective because when you “hear it” it brings your language into your conscious Awareness you will begin to realize what you are thinking and saying, to yourself and others.  Next ask yourself, {you can do this part to yourself}, “What do I want instead?” and reprogram your thoughts, I am resourceful, I deserve to be happy and healthy.

This will jump-start the process of creating what you want.  The following Discovery Exercises will show you “how” you can begin to achieve this…



Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the
mind at the same time.  One or the other must
dominate.  It is your responsibility to make sure
that positive emotions constitute the dominating
influence of your mind.”  Napoleon Hill,

Think and Grow Rich

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